Have you ever had one of those days where life is good! You are in go mode and the check off list is past done. Why is it then that even on my best days, one little set back can seem almost catastrophic and send me into a dark place where a list of past failures pop up on the memory screen in my brain? All of the sudden this confident woman of God is a puddle of goo asking, "Why do you even bother with me Lord?" That almost happened for a few minutes last week.
Did you know that when children start school parents have to sign 9,642 pieces of paper? There are medical forms and media forms. There are pledges to do well in school that we all must sign. You have to fill out current living information, and sign papers that you have read and understand each class requirements. Now, just times that by four and you can see why I might have a hand cramp.
I thought our first week was going swimmingly until my oldest got in the car and told me he needed a form signed that hadn't made it to his teacher yet and it was due! You know it is crazy, but for a moment I didn't focus on the 9,641 papers I had signed. For a brief moment it was all about that one paper. That one paper sent me to a dark place that said lies to me. Lies like, "You have just failed as a mom" or "Remember, it is just like that time you...." Do you ever feel that way? Like you are not good enough? Like your house really is made of cards and it feels like it is crumbling around you? Hey dear one,don't believe that.It is a lie from the author of lies. I reminded myself of that on the car ride home.
Someone very wise once said that Satan doesn't know your future, he only knows your past and he tries to use your past to effect and infect your future. That is so true. Let's stand boldly on the fact that if we take our sin to God, He throws it as far as the East is from the West. And if we cast our cares on Him, He will carry those burdens. I don't know why we hold onto past failures (even when we think they have been put away). I know this, we don't have to hold on. In fact, God in no way wants us to hold on. He has arms open wide just waiting for you to cast every care His way and be done with them. You see with God, L is NOT for loser, L is for Loved One.
In Luke 18 Christ told the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector to remind us that no one should consider that they have arrived spiritually.That is a great reminder that will only make us better to serve Him. Sometimes we have the opposite problem of not feeling worthy enough. We wear a scarlet letter, whatever letter that may be.That letter may be from our past or a struggle in our present. Perhaps the letter is F for that fat girl, or it is C for that cussing guy. Whatever it is that has you feeling less than, God wants it, and He wants to rid us from the things that holds us back.
Many years and tears ago I had coffee with a very young girl. She was extremely beautiful. She was crying because she had just broken up with her fiance. He was a pastor and she said she didn't feel worthy enough to be a pastors wife (why are you laughing?). It was very serious. We talked about why she felt that way and it really came down to her past. I told her something that day that I not only believe but still helps me in my walk with Christ. I told her, in a loving way, about forgiveness. I told her that NONE of us will ever arrive spiritually. That is why we need Christ in our lives. I told her the day she could walk out her front door and boldly yell, "I am a big screw-up. But that's okay because GOD LOVES ME ANYWAY!" ... that would be the day she was free because she no longer had to carry what she was never meant to carry (her past and present pain).
Some folks don't even know they think they have arrived spiritually. They just know that they have "their group of friends" and would never miss the latest Beth Moore series. Both of these are not bad. In fact they're great unless an elitist attitude begins to emerge. You are growing in Christ... THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!! So what are you going to do about it? Who are you going to share Christ with today outside the context of your church friends?
Some folks never get out of the blocks of serving Christ with all their hearts. They know their life has sin in it so why share, or be more than they are now? Why? Because God saved a wretch like you and me! I certainly don't suffer from an attitude of arriving. I do sometimes suffer from an attitude of not feeling worthy. When I do, I remember that God is my heavenly Father. That is a very personal relatioship. Consider that just for a moment the fact that you are totally in God's loving care because He is your Dad. More Than "having your back", He has your life and wants us to run in full abandon to Him.
There are a couple of great books that might help you live a life that is growing in the Lord. If you are a woman, Nancy Leigh DeMoss wrote an amazing book called "The Lies Women Believe." For men and women, Bil Cornelius' book called "I Dare You to Change" is coming out this week! It will be a great read that will be an encouraging challenge to be more for and through Christ in all areas of our lives. Being more isn't arriving. It is being able to go beyond our hurts and hang ups in order to follow Christ with full abandon. That is not feeling super righteous. It is about living righteously, and that is just where God wants us to be. Fully devoted to Him.
I usually ask a question here, but today I'm going to encourage you to spend some extra time praying and giving to the Lord what is holding you back. Give it to God and move forward BOLDLY through Christ! Stop believing the lies. Live righteously. Live in the knowledge of Christ. Seek His peace and the rest will come.
James 3:18 "Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."
Hey y'all. I just want you to know how much I appreciate all who stop by to read this blog. The funny thing is when I posted this story I wrote looser instead of loser! That made me feel like a looser... I mean loser! The good news is that obviously that word is not in my vocabulary. So, please excuse my blond moment. The other funny/ ironic thing is that post is about not living in your failures. Trust me I wanted to hide under the bed! But you know, I think God is bigger than that mistake. So I will take a page from Paul and brag all the more that God can use me despite my imperfections.
ReplyDeleteMuch love and laughter,