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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Father's Day

 A young college girl came up to me last Sunday. She said she was going out of town next week and couldn't work in the children's area. I said, "Going home for Father's Day?" She said yes, but I knew that look all to well. I had felt every facial expression when I was a young person that she was now giving. She flashed her kind eyes with a slight pause and a half turned smile, and I knew. I asked, "Are your parents still married?" She said no. We talked about our MIA dads. A bit later in the conversation I told her I thought it was wonderful that she was going home to be with her mom. I joked and told her when Father's Day rolled around I had to find cards for my dad the equivalent of "because you're breathing"... "because you didn't buy my prom dress"... She laughed, and said it was very similar to her circumstance.

Truth be told even though my dad was MIA at times,I had a great mom and amazing grandparents that lived in the same town. They loved the Lord and taught me many things. I think grandpa's greatest gift was love. He loved the Lord, he loved his wife, and loved his family. That love set a great example, and that love is what I sought to find in the man I would marry.

As amazing as grandpa was, there was another Father in my life. It was of course God our Father. At 8 years old I asked Christ to come into my heart. As I read the Bible I could see God's fatherly advice emerging. Proverbs with it's wise words. Galatians with a list of what folks will see when God is in your life (fruit of the spirit). So many things he has to tell us, and the greatest? Perhaps at that time, and still today, that He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6).

My dad died of cancer nineteen and a half years ago. It was a half a year before I married. For the last three months of his life I drove 450 miles almost every weekend to visit my dad in the VA Hospital. I wanted to make sure he knew how much God loved him and that God had a place waiting for him. My dad did come to know Christ as his savior. My earthly dad's greatest gift to me was a look of peace I had never seen on his face until that day.

Father's Day can be tricky for some. Now, my children and I lavish Randy (my husband) with love on that day. We also send love to my mom for being one of those amazing parents who were both mom and dad. We show love to Randy's dad. The gift of love is realized more since Randy's brother passed away; also of cancer. One realizes the honor to be together and say, "I love you." And even though we may not be with everyone we love this Father's Day, we have an eternity of days to one day be with them again. Our Father made sure of that.

Joshua 1:9
...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (NIV)

Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies (Psalm 36:5).

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