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Friday, June 24, 2011

Forgive and Keep Forgiving Till You Mean It

(Sign says: "My bike was stolen from my front lawn last week. It is a one speed bike with a skull flag and a lightening bolt on it. The lightening bolt and flag may have been removed. This bike was brand new from the store. NO REWARD. I Don't even want the bike back. I just made these fliers to tell you I hate you Bike Thief. I hope you ride my bike without a helmet and get hit by a monster truck. I hope my bike takes you straight to hell")

WOW! Obviously, this person felt wronged! He was so hurt he made up a sign to tell that person how much he thought they stink! This sign represents some nameless person exercising their right to express how they feel. I mean... come on... they stole his bike with the custom flag and the lightening bolt symbol!
Have you ever felt wronged? What would your sign say? What picture would you draw? How do you take your hurts to God? What would you say? What would God say? I think it would go something like this...

God, all sorts of Bible verses come to mind like Ephesians 6:24 "In your anger do not sin." Are you kidding me God!? Do you know what they did to me, and how little they must care, because if you did you would not have even put that verse in the Bible! 

WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY LORD... that verse isn't for them.... it's for me? You put that there so my choices don't make a bad situation worse... for me? So, drawing a picture with a nasty note and putting it on an electric pole is out of the question? Okay fine, but what do I do with all this hurt!?

PRAY FOR THEM? That is a great idea! You mean one of those Psalm prayers... "Lord smite my enemy"... uh no not that type of prayer.... then what? A Matthew 5:44 prayer!Pray for those who have hurt you! Just a minute Lord I'll be right back.... uh I checked and God there is not an out clause on that verse. Like, what if they have REALLY hurt you? ... pray for them any way huh? That might be a pretty tall order. 

You want me to pray for them? WHY SHOULD I?! Because why... I was never meant to carry that burden of hurt alone? Oh... but I am hurt God... pray anyway huh. Okay... here it goes... 
Dear God....(the prayer)......... AMEN.

Hey you know what? You're right. I feel better... I feel not alone in my sadness anymore... Here you go God... all my fears... all my hurt... all my anger about this... you handle it. It was really weighing me down. God, why doesn't it weigh you down? ...You are love and give love... you are all knowing... bigger than anything... I see.  Honestly God... I'm still scared and hurt... keep praying huh. Okay, you're the boss. :) Actually you're my dad. So here you go... take it all. I will not live in fear, but I will live in your righteousness just like you planned. No sign for me.

What do you need to give to God today? What hurt stops you from living who you are in Christ! Hey new creation, God knows. So live for him.

2 Corinthians 5:17

New International Version (NIV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

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