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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Knock knock, God's There

If you have ever spent significant time with a preschooler you learn very quickly to never start the dreaded knock knock jokes. It goes from silly to eye rolling very fast. It begins with one goofy joke and rolls into a stream of silly jokes that become the equivalent of a bad Las Vegas comedy act. Today I read Revelation 3:20. It said, "Behold I stand at the door and knock, If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me." Why that verse made me think of knock knock jokes, I have no idea. I think perhaps because of the line that comes after knock knock; which is, of course, who's there?

Who's there? In regards to Rev 3:20, how about the King of Kings?! Imagine, Christ came to earth, lived among us, taught us, healed us, blessed us, showed us how to live, died for our sins, conquered death, and rose again. What is Christ doing after that impressive list? He is standing at the door knocking. It is not just any door. It is yours and mine, and ANYONE'S door. Christ came to save us and he is ALL IN!

This past week I was praying everyday and fasting some of those days. I plan on fasting and praying this week as well. I pray all the time, but there is just something about adding the element of fasting. I believe fasting is a physical reminder of taking our eyes off ourselves and placing them on Christ. Christ says, " if anyone opens the door he will come in and he will eat with them, and they with me." Eating together and being together with Christ is powerful. It is a feast we could never have or afford if not for Christ.  It is more than asking "who's there" because when we answer the door we are really discovering "what's there."

When I started last week praying and fasting I sounded more like the preschooler doing her Las Vegas act. Instead of knock knock jokes I was going on and on with my long list. I was just broken and I was listing my needs. You know, on the whole it is okay to ask. I need answers, and I want them from God.

God wants us to ask, but I believe God wants us not to only ask for what we think we need, but to ask Him what does He want for us. You see, I only know what I know... and that ain't much these days. God has these amazing answers that can only be summed up as WOW! I tell folks, "Listen, the reality is you are going to go through life, and at times, trials. The question remains are you going to go through them alone or with God? Because you are you going to go through them one way or the other."

It gives me comfort knowing that God wants in! He is knocking even when I don't think He is available. I need to listen close for His knock. God wants in. The price for opening the door is allowing God to come in and change your menu from mac and cheese to steak with all the trimmings for two. Join me at You might open your door and if you do, you will find God sized answers.

Check out this sweet preschooler I found on you tube. She has a great knock knock song for us all. May we have sweet child like faith to live out these words.

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