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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Best Church Moment This Summer, so far!

Oh friends! What do you think could warrant such a title as 'best church moment of the summer so far?' Now before I tell you, let's just admit people coming to know Christ or major life changes after folks come to know Christ always top the list! This best church moment comes from a more demure category. It is on the topic of servant hood. You know, those many things we get to do each week. What happened last Sunday has kept me laughing all week.

So, I was leading in the preschool class. I have a little boy that comes to our church and is very creative. He always wants to color and loves making crafts. I felt very honored because last Sunday he brought something that he had made from home to show me. He had made a 3-D map. He had colored the ground, and had created rocks out of globs of tape, and added little toy soldiers. Frankly, it was amazing for his young age. We put it on my teacher's table in a place of honor. I made quite the "big deal" of it. My son, Jeremy, is in that class. After a while Jeremy wandered over to the table to 'get a better look' at the craft. Those soldiers were too tempting and Jeremy wanted to touch them. About the same time I noticed the little boy who brought the craft was looking concerned and he started walking toward Jeremy. So, I said to Jeremy, sweetheart let's not touch that, your friend worked very hard on his DIORAMA and we just look at it. The little boy got up in Jeremy's face and said very firmly, "Yeah, that's my DIARRHEA! Don't touch my DIARRHEA!"

You know, sometimes we feel so burdened to serve and be a blessing to others that we forget that others (no matter how small) are meant to be a blessing to us as well. Summer can especially be one of those times. Attendance can be low, and workers can be few. People tell you they are going camping, or to a special destination and you hearken in your heart... take me with you. Some Sundays (like the fourth of July that is coming soon to a Sunday near you) could almost have a holding down the fort attitude; if you allowed yourself. Here are some thoughts about making summer great!

First, use the summer as a gearing up time. My oldest is going to run cross country at his high school this fall. He has already started running with his team. They are not waiting till school starts. They are training their athletes now so they can be ready. Ask yourself, as a pastor's wife, what can you do to encourage and get the other pastor wives and leaders under your authority ready for the big race this fall? Summer can be a great time for extra attention to leadership and preparation.

Another idea to make summer great is to get AWAY!!!!!!!! Run far, far, far away, and do not feel guilty. I used to think it was the pastor who felt guilty for leaving for some rest. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that many times it can be the wife. Why? Because our feelings make us worried if the timing of the vacation is good. Listen, barring any major events like (not a vacation)Vacation Bible School :), or a something in the life of the church as a whole, GO! Truth is, there is never a perfect time to go on vacation, but HELLO... even Jesus (you know the one we should emulate) got away to rest and to pray.

Finally, make the simple choice to enjoy every Sunday no matter what the season! Who's party do you want to go to? The needy /whiny girl's party or the optimistic / happy girl's party. How you serve effects those (or the lack of those) around you. I know struggles come and go in church work, but we have a choice to make. The choice to have joy in what we do starts in our heart. Once you realize that where your heart is, there your treasure is also... "church work" in the summer, fall, winter, and spring will have a whole different feeling.

Summer is turning out to have some surprises! None, of which, have caught God by surprise. Since we are still early in the season, please allow me to end with a blessing. May God grant you peace and rest this summer. May you grow in His knowledge and find joy where you serve. May your family get the rest each needs and may they rest in the fact that God cares and provides for all those needs. In Christ- AMEN

What about you what great moments are showing up in
your summer?

Psalm 37:5 "Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."

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