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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jealous in a Good Way

We have four children still at home. These, my friends,are crazy times! I think if you totaled the times I sit down to rest during the day, it would add up somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes! Yes, my Taxi cab skills are in full swing. I can almost see the clouds breaking as my oldest inches ever closer to his driver's license. However, that too is an exhausting thought, and they may not make a strong enough hair color to cover the gray that is about to sprout from such a huge life event!
I am actually very pleased with my children. All but our three year old are involved with a sport of some type; which they enjoy. The three year old just assumes that he is on every team the others are involved with! Soccer season just ended for my daughter, but it went off with a huge celebration! This past week she and her team took second in the State Playoffs! It was amazing, and while I would rather be in the parking lot washing cars (because the games are such nail bitters), I put on my game face and cheered her team on to victory.
The week before State Playoffs, they won first place at the Regional Playoffs! It was there that I witnessed something powerful that led to a flood of emotions.
These 12 year old girls are on a select soccer team. The competition is crazy - good. As parents, Randy and I try not to put pressure on our daughter. I mean we are realistic. If she grows up and plays professional soccer so be it. We take the more gentle approach. We say, "Honey, it is just a game. Besides, when you are a doctor in Hawaii you can have us visit and we will stay in your guest house!" :) Seriously, we just want her to do her best, and that is all anyone can hope for in any situation. But here is the zinger... she is the goalie! When you are the goalie you are either the hero or the zero. Rebekah usually does well in competition, but last week really brought her to a near breaking point. Each game grew more intense and each point mattered because at the end of the competition the team with the most points win. The goalie makes sure the other teams have as few points as possible. Our last game decided who would win, and in the end, we had the most points! The team gathered around, and the coach said some words... but then right after that moment something wonderful happened. My daughter came racing across the field at full speed with arms wide open and headed straight to her daddy and fell full force into his arms. There she stayed and soaked up every ounce of his hug, and you could tell she was releasing every fear and worry that she had during the game. It was probably the most powerful hug I have seen to date. It was touching and I too was ready for my big hug. I opened my arms and she smiled... and then gave me a sweet hug - hug and trotted off to victory! Hey kid, I thought, remember me? The one who washed those soccer clothes, made sure you had water, and sunscreen? The one who arranges rides or takes you to practice?! Let's face it I was jealous! I have a Mother's Day Card to prove that I am a great mom. I know that to be true because it says "Best Mom Ever" right there on the front of the card!:) But at that moment I was feeling a little less best and little more second.
Now, let me tell you that feeling lasted all but a few seconds because when I really thought about it, I felt so blessed to be jealous in a good way!
You see, when I was growing up my father was MIA for a good portion of my childhood. While I praise God for such amazing grandparents who injected faith, and opportunities along with my mom, having an MIA dad leaves you missing a very important part of you.
That is why when I became a Christian I felt God really healed a lot of that hurt because I knew I had a heavenly Father who was there for all times. It was that Father I prayed to for the father my children would someday have. I remember very clearly praying over and over again for the man I would one day marry.I got a winner! He loves his children so much. It was on that soccer field I felt God gently reminding me that this was the hope and the fulfillment of a future I had prayed for as a young girl so long ago. My daughter has that part of her love tank overflowing and I thank God for that everyday. That hug seemed to be just between them, but I knew better. That hug was from a young woman who prayed to God and a young man who rose to the occasion and is now a father. My husband took each of our children to lunch this week one on one. And while he is busy, he works time into his schedule for our little ones who are getting bigger everyday.
Did you pray for the man you would one day marry? Did your prayer list include loving your children? If your husband is taking the time to be with your children, take the time to let him know how much that means to you. Let him know it was just what you prayed for before you ever knew who he was and what you are praying for now. If your husband has a harder time expressing emotion, keep praying for him. Let him know how much you love him and help him set up a time for a lunch or small get together where he is one on one with each child. Don't say,"You two should go to lunch." Say, "Our kids would love to spend some special time with you. When are you free for lunch this week? Oh good, Sally would love for you to have lunch with her on Tuesday, and Jack could go any day this week. You can check her out at 11:30 and go to Chick Fil - A for some special dad and daughter time. Jack's lunch is at noon and he wants you to eat at the school. Friday sounds great!"
Sometimes being a pastors wife can be rough. You know what isn't rough? Watching your husband be the kind of father his heavenly Father is proud to know.

Proverbs 23:22 "Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old."

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