Do you know what the sweetest thing about blogging is? I don't have to clean my house! I have four children. One of them is a preschooler. That means at any given moment there could be a Bat Man action figure lurking in a seat cushion, a Darth Vader cape and Light Saber covering the hallway, and various other sports items from the other children placed strategically by my front door next to the shoe collection that has amassed there! Since I have been a pastor's wife for almost 18 years and a mom for 14 of those years, I have learned a valuable lesson in my life. I've learned that if the criteria for someone to come by was having my house in perfect order, those who entered would be few and far between. Don't get me wrong, I like a clean house and I really try to keep it as clean as possible. It is just that my maid hasn't showed up for the past 17 years and I am beginning to think she is not coming! So that leaves me and my little band of Bryans to clean, work, do life stuff and minister in that very short 24 hour day.
So what do I do? Well, I tidy up my house and I tell folks that come over that just for them, I'm going to mess my house up a little. :) You see your house doesn't have to be perfect. I think people like it better that way. I think it makes you more real in their eyes. On the days that I need to talk with someone and I don't have time to pick up, I head toward the light... of the Starbucks Sign! To me it is important to connect and meet with either my friends or a person having a hard time, but not at the expense of my family or an aerobic turbo house cleaning that will leave me exhausted before I even say hello. Take time for family and friends because in the end those memories are so much sweeter than that pine smell coming from the bath room. One day my kids will be all grown and I will miss that smudgy little hand print, and my season of the perfectly clean house will have arrived! Till then, I'm just not going to stress it. I'm just going to do the best I can and focus on the relationships God is bringing my way.
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
So true! If we wait until everything is perfect, we risk missing the sweet fellowship of family and friends.